dog out for a walk in fall leaves.Withthe glorious colors and shorter days comes one of the shorter seasons: fall. Here in Georgia, the leaves turn a beautiful gold, and while we get a brief reprieve from summer’s relentless heat, in general temperatures are lower. But cooler weather means ticking off some seasonal pet care tasks to keep your furry friends healthy in the fall and winter.

The team at Trusted Friend Animal Clinic would like to share our best tips for autumn pet maintenance in the form of a pet health checklist for the fall. 

Autumn Pet Care Checklist


Here are 5 things to do to prepare Fido and Kitty for the seasonal changes that come with autumn. 

Schedule a Vet Appointment

Make sure your pets are up-to-date on vaccines and ready for fall fun with a preventive vet visit. Your veterinarian can make sure you’re stocked up on flea and tick medication, too, which you’ll want to continue throughout the cooler months. This is also a great time to discuss an appropriate diet and exercise plan for fall pet care.

Make Sure Antifreeze is Out of Reach

Winterizing your recreational vehicles, cars, and other cold-sensitive systems is great. But antifreeze spills should be cleaned up quickly and thoroughly. Because of its sweet flavor, this highly toxic substance can be appealing to your pet. Store all antifreeze in a high cupboard in the garage, locked and out of reach. 

Get a Reflective Vest (or Three)

Most pets enjoy getting outside, even in crisp fall weather. But with less daylight, chances are you’ll be walking at dusk, night, or dawn. Make sure cars can see you with bright reflective vests for you and each of your pets!

Provide Cozy, Warm Sleeping Spaces

Move your pet’s bed or favorite blankie away from the drafty door when it gets chilly. If your pet spends a lot of time outside, make sure she has a warm, dry shelter with a soft bed. And plenty of fresh water! Pets can get dehydrated, even in cooler weather.

Make a Safety Plan for the Holidays 

With the holiday season comes plenty of tempting foods and decorations that aren’t so healthy for your pet to consume. Form a plan to keep your pet away from any holiday hazards well in advance of the holidays. 


If you have guests coming to your home, make sure they know what Fido shouldn’t eat. It’ll be one less thing to think of when you’re flying around making all that Thanksgiving food or getting ready for trick-or-treating.

Fall Pet Health Tips for Furry Friends

With these fall pet health tips in your pocket, you’ll be ready for the seasonal changes that autumn brings. To schedule a wellness visit for your furry friend, call us at (404) 907-1404. We look forward to helping prepare your pet for fall weather.